Audio Designer zoekt Spatial Designer

Een 'Maker Zoekt Maker'-project van Jeremy Leung


Jeremy Leung


Over dit project:

irido is part of my thesis : An investigation on Transformation Design in Conventional Recording Studios Technically it has different contributions : > Insertion Loss in Near Field condition > Diffuse Field in Far Field condition And you can hear it here : Artistically it’s a Multi-sensory installation (Visual, Auditory, Olfactory) with Ecology in Mind. I'm planning to reach out to museums and creative spaces to showcase irido and let a boarder range of audience to experience it. If you are a spatial designer / curator would like to bring this experience to your space please feel free to reach out to me :)

Jeremy zoekt: : "Someone that's well connected in the art scene and would like and capable to help irido to reach a broader audience by adding spatial design for designated rooms/areas."
Meer over mijn project »

Ja ik wil de 'Match' zijn

Extra veld dat leeg moet blijven om rare berichten tegen te gaan.:


   Ja, Ik studeer aan, of ben maximaal 5 jaar geleden afgestudeerd aan een van de Nederlandse Kunstopleidingen.

Keep an Eye Jazzconcertjes
The Youngsters
Nieuwe Makers
Galerie Pouloeuff