Musician, viola player is looking for Filmmaker

A 'Maker Zoekt Maker' project by Elisa Misas Santín

"Song from the Sea": live music (me) + short film

Elisa Misas Santín


About this project:

I am preparing a very short piece called "Song from the Sea" for viola and cello accompaniment. It is a piece written by the nowadays Irish composer Garth Knox (you can see him playing the viola part at the links I pasted in the end of this post). This piece is inspired by the origins of a famous Irish tune: some fishermen out on the sea heard strange sounds in the mist. At first they thought it was a whale song, or mermaids singing but suddenly the mist opened briefly and they saw a multitude of fairies dancing on the waves to the most beautiful music they had ever heard. When they got back to the land one of the fishermen, who was a fiddler, managed to reconstruct the music on his fiddle and the tune ("Port na bPúchaí") is played to this day all over Ireland. The actual tune itself is not heard in the piece, only the idea of a melody which comes off the wave and out of the mist. I am looking for an audiviosual artist who can make up a short film to be played while we perform live. The content of the film could be minimalist, or in any other art style, and the content would be agreed in between the two of us, making up a story that suits every phrase in the music simultaneously. The music is truly suggesting, so inspiration will arrive easily, I am sure :) I have quite some future performances in mind where this piece would fit in, so it would also be great to promote yourself around. Nevertheless, the most satisfied person involved will be the audience, I hope! 

Elisa is looking for: : "I would love to collaborate with someone creative who would love to aim for the beautiful result we could get together. Is there any other restless mind over there who shares my excitement towards this idea? I am sure with the perfect match, it will be a succeed 100% :) "

Yes, I want to be the match

Extra veld dat leeg moet blijven om rare berichten tegen te gaan.:


   Yes. I am studying, or finished my education within the last 5 years, at one of the Dutch Art Institutes.

Keep an Eye Jazzconcertjes
The Youngsters
Nieuwe Makers
Galerie Pouloeuff