Welcome to 'Maker Zoekt Maker'

Are you a student or alumnus (graduated within the past 5 years) of one of the Dutch art schools ánd are you looking for a colleague from a different art discipline to help with your project? Through Maker zoekt Maker you will find the person you need! Apart from finding your match you can also submit your project to be considered to receive financial support worth up to € 3.500,-. Two times a year 4 projects are chosen for this wonderful prize!


Round 9! Maker zoekt Maker keeps on growing and is proud to present the newest recipients of our financial support.

These are the lucky projects: 

First winner in the ninth edition of Maker zoekt Maker
may Nature gambol!
Francisco Ribas (CvA Piano/Live Electronics) & Francisco César (HKU Audiovisuele Media)

xicoribas's and ARDEMAR new project 'may Nature gambol!' is an audiovisual performance for improvised piano, live-electronics and live visuals on which the attender will be transferred into a new dimension where chaos seems to organize itself into beautiful sound and visual architectures. In the same way that trees, sea-waves or clouds never look the same, 'may Nature gambol!' pieces draw out a new form every time they exist and never cease to morph. Thanks to technology, player, piano, electronics and visuals are all interconnected: any subtle change on one of the organisms will affect the whole ecosystem, causing a new reality.

Second winner in the ninth edition of Maker zoekt Maker
Robben Fuhler (Audiovisuele Vormgeving Willem de Kooning Academie) & Welmoed Bosch (Liberal Arts & Sciences Willem de Kooning Academie)

Filmmaker Robben Fuhler and fashion designer Welmoed Bosch will collaborate on a short fiction film about the life of internationally successful foot model Carlo Zampa. The film follows Carlo through one day of his modeling career, it is a fictional story with characters based on real people, the foot model is followed as if it were a documentary about a real person. The film offers a glimpse into the world behind the scenes of the polished commercials that bombard us every day.

Third winner in the ninth edition of Maker zoekt Makerr
Trick of the Light

Louise Linkenbach (HKU Conservatorium) & Bogi Bakker (Toneelacademie Maastricht)

Songwriter Louise Linkenbach and light artist/engineer Bogi Bakker together make Trick of the Light, a performance about layers and illusion in which they will cast changing layers of light over musical stories. What happens when you strengthen the narrative content with a complementary lighting choice, or when they contradict each other? What can a change in perspective or illumination bring to a statement already made? Starting from the knowledge that a large part of art enters through the subconscious, we aim to discover how we can strengthen that layer of stimulus in order for the audience to exist in the narrative space with their own associations and with no expectations.

Fourth winner in the ninth edition of Maker zoekt Maker
Noir Vanille

Clara Grosjean (AHK Modern Danstheater) & Beatriz Alvarez + Xico Ribas (CvA Live Electronics)

Noir Vanille is a hybrid and multilayered artwork, made of choreography, visual arts, and an immersive soundscape. A sculpture called “Brain”, crafted with doll heads is carried by two dancing bodies, and together they become a moving object. The Brain is nourishing, resisting, and constraining the movements, which bring the choreographic work to new challenges. Partially blind, the performers develop a specific awareness with expanded sensations, listening and adjusting their bodies to one another. The performers dive into their inner child from and question what remains from childhood in our adult life. As a viewer, the Brain imposes an anonymous identity which can trigger; their imagination is moved by the performers’ movements through a kinesthetic empathy.

For the first time in Maker zoekt maker history we have not one, but FOUR winners of the financial support of € 2.500,-!

We proudly present our winners:

First winner in this eighth edition of Maker zoekt Maker
Judith Weusten (AHK) & Sanne Schuhmacher (HKU)

Opera singer Judith Weusten and playwright Sanne Schuhmacher are joining forces to create an opera together; "We as young creators (composer, playwright, director, singer and musician) will create a new opera especially for wind orchestras, and then perform it with several orchestras from all over the Netherlands. As professionals, we will collaborate with amateur orchestras and together put a beautiful project on stage. We see this as a unique opportunity because there is currently no opera for this form of orchestra, and with this we want to enthuse a whole new audience for opera. The orchestras supply the instrumentalists, conductor and location, and we supply music, singers, pianist, décor, promotional material and, of course, the entire directed opera. We are bursting with inspiration and are currently busy with the first steps involved in a project of this size. The first step is coming up with a great subject and story, and then we'll go all out!"

Second winner in this eighth edition of Maker zoekt Maker
Place/Make (workingtitel)
Melody Nolan (Codarts) & Omer van Soldt (KABK)

The cities we live in shape us over time. Do we also have a role in shaping them? We can try to change ourselves to fit into a place or shift the composition of a place to accommodate ourselves. These efforts can be seen as a dialogue– a play between two parties which may or may not have conscious incentives to alter the other. Place/Make (working title) explores the exchange influence of habitat and inhabitants in a collage of film and movement. Melody Nolan (circus artist) and Omer van Soldt (multimedia artist/filmmaker) come from different backgrounds both creatively and geographically. In uncovering one another’s practices, discovering creative niches and points of joined interest, they seek fresh ways of combining their abilities. Through Place/Make, they each challenge their artistic conventions by placing their methods, foundations, and principles in relation to the other’s artistic discipline.

Third winner in this eighth edition of Maker zoekt Maker
Fanfare Fantaisies - a Concert series
César Rogers (Gerrit Rietveld Academie) & Jules Monnier (AHK)

"In today's art world, we felt a real lack of interaction between classical music and visual art. That's why we want to put together a series of meeting concerts led by Fanfare Amsterdam. It will connect 2 schools from the Netherlands: the Conservatory of Amsterdam (music) and the Gerrit Rietveld Academy (visual arts). A diverse and rich program of 1-hour concerts played by 2 musicians playing a mix of improvisation, baroque, classical and contemporary music. In an intimate setting, the audience will experience a journey through different composers, followed by conversations with the musicians themselves. We want to emphasize making classical music more accessible, by bringing it to unexpected places and where surprising artistic collaborations can take place, resonating in an atmosphere of complete wonderful conviviality."

Fourth winner in this eighth edition of Maker zoekt Maker
Pulse of the Past
Simon Granit Ossoinak (Codarts) & Branko Valchev (Codarts)
Pulse of the Past is an interactive performance performed by Branko Valchev, percussionist and drummer, and Simon Granit Ossoinak, circus artist and dancer, who both share an interest in interdisciplinary collaborations. With acrobatics, dance and drums they base their research on question: How can we create the feeling of togetherness, as found in a traditional gathering, through a contemporary performance? Big city modern life is very individualistic and you often walk around the city feeling no kinship with the people around you. The performance aims to let you experience being a part of a bigger whole for a short moment! Pulse of the Past will play at the Cafe Theater Festival Rotterdam 24th-25th of March, and will go on to be developed into an outdoors performance in the weeks following.

Falling into Place wins the seventh edition of Maker seeks Maker!

For this special project, Fashion Designer Zoë Mesman (Artez Arnhem) will collaborate with filmmaker Flip Kwakkel (Audiovisual Media HKU, Utrecht). The film they are making, Falling into Place, is a narrative fashion film about connection; connection with your surroundings, yourself, the people around you and the clothes you wear. It is about the moment when all this comes together and you fall into place. This specific feeling is the guiding principle of the film and is depicted in a physical environment. In the film they follow three characters all with their own storyline. All three fall into place in a different environment, at a different time. One finds it surrounded by people, the other when looking at himself in the mirror. One finds it lying in the grass, the other in the stroboscopic lights of the club

LAWINE wins 6th edition of Maker zoekt Maker!

With this funding singer/musician Judith Rijsenbrij (CvA Pop) & fashiondesigner Esra Copur (HKU Fashion Design) want to realise a fashion-installation that will be shown in a short film that is a visual pilar for puntjudith's next EP.

The most important theme in their collaboration is the awareness of a generation of millennials. In this, Esra Copur's sustainable way of working connects seamlessly with puntjudith's musical search of a generation for something to hold on to in everyday life.

Fifth round of Maker zoekt Maker successfully completed!

Echo is a story in sung vowels, portrayed by singers. An opera with almost no text, or a ballet performed by professional singers. Floris Kappeyne (pianist, CvA) has written a composition for 8 singers, synthesizer and percussion. In dialogue with the composition and singers, Sophie Prins (dancer and singer, AHK) creates the choreography, after which Maria Langerhorst connects to this with the costume design.
In the performance the individual (the main character) decides to break away from the social environment in order to achieve full autonomy. The individual manages to break free, but the story ends tragically: the individual realizes that she has entered a new social environment that affects her autonomy just as much. The moral of the story is that one should not depend on outside confirmation in making decisions and should learn to deal with the environment and society instead of trying to flee from it. This theme has become very topical during the lockdown period.

The premiere of Echo will be part of the Grachtenfestival 2021.

Fourth round Maker zoekt Maker - 65 matches found!

Another very special project this time; the Colors of Music, a colaboration between urban artist Jacopo Grilli (Academie van Bouwkunst) and Duo Era (cellist Khrystyna Kulchynska & harpist Dafne Paris CvA).

As musicians the duo would like to engage a wider audience by using visual arts and animation. As urban designer Jacopo wanta to make use of music and images to fill a void in unused or unusual spaces of the city. They started from the theory of sound-to-color synesthesia, in which sound evokes an experience of color, shape and movement. Artists like Kandinsky and composers like Scriabin and Ligeti claimed to see music as colours and used synesthesia in their works.

The Colors of Music wants to translate this concept from their rehearsa;room to urban spaces. Classical music should not be confined to theatre halls but also performed in open spaces. By doing this we can reach a broader audience thanks to the medium of visual art!

2021 started out banging with the announcement of the new winner; the fascinating project Aircilla of Music Performance Artist Gemma Luz Bosch (HKU) and Mechanical Mime-maker and installation artist Jurriaan de Vos (AHK).

Aircilla is a kinetic installation with which they want to submerge the audience in a 'swarm of sound'. The installation consists of roughly 250 ceramic hanging soundobjects that are put in motion by a big mechanic system. The soundobjects move flowingly and wavy through the air, by which they collide and create sound.
The sound is send into space in a very subtile way by ajusting the speed and mecanics of the installation carefully. The playful tension of the touching and not-touching and synchronized and unsynchronized movements of the soundobjects is exciting and intriging to watch.

In this second Maker zoekt Maker round the quarterly prize went to the Unknown Stories project of Het Nachtlicht Ensemble & photografer Petra Beckers!

A cop that drives by with sirens on, an architect that fled from Egypt or a homeless person walking throught town. All diffrent people with a special story. Everybody knows that they have been though a lot but no one knows the story behind their lives. With Unknown Stories het Nachtlicht Ensemble wants to tell these stories. With compositions and photographs they plan to take the audience with them on a beautiful journey.

Congratulations!! The Epos Ensemble (wind quintet) & Nynke Koopmans (scenographer) won the very first Maker zoekt Maker support! The Keep an Eye Foundation is very enthusiastic about this creative collaboration for the project 'de Wraak van Lorre' that needs a very special foldable decor and costumes to make Tosca Menten's childrensbook come to life in a storytelling concert for the entire family (+6)

New projects

Fotograaf en Kunstenaar
looking for

Project: Moon Country
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Fashion student
looking for

Project: Sculptural clothings
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Jazz Musician, Saxophonist and Composer
looking for
Visual Artist / Film Maker

Project: Visual Art (Video) for Music Single Release
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Keep an Eye Jazzconcertjes
The Youngsters
Nieuwe Makers
Galerie Pouloeuff